Issued permits

Company License Issued by Issue Date Valid until Other
«ՏՆԱ-ՇԻՆ ԱՇՈՏ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/035 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 03/09/2012 21/07/2022 Contract: ՊՎ-035, 03.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-035, 03.09.2012
ՇԱԹՎ-29/028 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 03/09/2012 08/04/2021 Contract: ՊՎ-028, 03.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-028, 03.09.2012
«ԳՈԼԴԵՆ ՕՐԵ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/095 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 26/09/2012 30/12/2016 Contract: ՊՎ-095, 26.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-095, 26.09.2012
"LICHKVAZ" CJSC ՇԱԹՎ-29/245 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 26/09/2012 01/01/2034 Contract: ՊՎ-245, 26.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-245, 26.09.2012
«ՍՏՈՆՄԱՆ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/021 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 26/09/2012 19/11/2020 Contract: ՊՎ-021, 26.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-021, 26.09.2012
«ԱՍՏՂԱՐՇԱՎ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/249 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 26/09/2012 21/03/2027 Contract: ՊՎ-249, 26.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-249, 26.09.2012
«ՎԱՐԴԱՆԻ ԶԱՐԹՈՆՔԸ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/239 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 27/09/2012 03/12/2026 Contract: ՊՎ-239, 27.09.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-239, 27.09.2012
«ՆԱԻՐԻՏ ԳՈՐԾԱՐԱՆ» ՓԲԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/010 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 10/10/2012 30/07/2025 Contract: ՊՎ-010, 10.10.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-010, 10.10.2012
«ԹԱԹՍԹՈՈՒՆ» ՍՊԸ ԵՀԹ-29/112 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 12/10/2012 30/09/2017 Contract: Պ-112, 12.10.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: 20.04.2017
«ԱՄՐՈՑԱՔԱՐ» ՍՊԸ ՇԱԹՎ-29/088 Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of RA 20/10/2012 20/04/2026 Contract: ՊՎ-088, 20.10.2012
Mining Allotment Certificate: ԼՎ-088, 20.10.2012